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memorable tricks

memorable tricks

We will release a high-quality talk technique that leaves an impression of "Ah, that girl is good...".
Introduce yourself with a smile
Smiles are universal.There's no way a smile can make you feel bad.A proper greeting is a natural act as a member of society.It begins with courtesy and ends with courtesy.If you are meeting someone for the first time, try to be even more polite.Do not be rude to the other person.
find as many commonalities as possible
People tend to think that it's difficult to have a conversation and that they don't know what to talk about, but first of all, talk about "weather". increase.From there, a conversation is born.
make moderate eye contact
There is no time to say that it is embarrassing to stare.It's a matter of how much you set yourself apart from other women.Looking into someone's eyes and making eye contact is one of the best ways to show that you like them.Look me in the eye and let's talk.
Try to limit your personal space
The LOUNGE talk space is located as close as possible to men.It is true that it creates a feeling of excitement for men, but above all, being close to women will be the foundation for future relationships.The narrower the personal space, the closer to going out.
It's important to be a listener
Of course, we should also talk about the female side, but men want to make themselves look bigger.Money is the same, but I also want to show authority.After understanding that, it will be pleasant for men to give back and sympathize with your own emotions.
I drag you down with the words "See you later"
Talk is only 20 minutes.How much will you differentiate yourself from other women in these 20 minutes?Here comes the problem.The talk in between is important, but of course the end is also important.If you want to go out, you have to give the impression that "I'll be waiting for you after this."It's time to show the positivity behind humility.The three-letter word "See you later" will deliver a big punch to the man.

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